Hello NBA followers / Bulls Fan,

Gosh, isn’t good to talk basketball again? With the Bears losing Cutler & Forte, opening day for the NBA cannot come fast enough. Although I have to say that I nearly lost complete interest during the lockout as it became an argument between Millionaires vs. Billionaires. I’ll quickly give you my 2 cents. If I was in a room with some of the players I would have pointed that in most businesses the employee does not make more than the employer. That in today’s society we all have given back for the better good of the whole: teachers taking pay cuts, people supporting a family on minimal wage forced to work less hours, higher taxes on the middle class to create extra funds for the government to spend on who the hell knows what.  It was sickening to watch and hear some players cry about how they aren’t getting paid enough… Latrell Sprewel, can you hear me? It was insulting to us die hearted basketball fans. Last time I checked it was the fans that help pay player’s salaries. If we stop supporting the team and no longer show up to arenas then the owners do not have the resources to pay your eight figure salary. But I thank you guys for finally getting the deal done and yes I am sorry that now you must sell your 9 bedroom home and scale down to a 6 bedroom mansion.

My mind is doing a lot of wondering these days. Can Derrick take his game to another level? Will the Noah/Boozer combo finally come together? Who the heck is our starting 2-guard? I really feel this shortened season will benefit the Bulls. I see the Celtics and Lakers of the world struggling with playing so many games without little rest in between.  The Eastern conference as I see it will again be dominated by Chicago & Miami. People are starting to see the real LeBron.  Stephen A. Smith hit it right on the head when he said that LeBron acts and carries himself as someone who has already won.  Hum, sorry buddy but you are now 0-2 in the finales. Just in case you guys are keeping score Jordan never lost in the Finales. Plus, the footages of James dunking on kids were just plain silly. Does it make you feel good that you can dunk over 5’ft 2’ kids?  Atlanta’s window is closed. They will remain a good team, middle of the pack. Josh Smith is still fun to watch. Orlando will be last year’s version of the Nuggets. They know Howard is all but gone. I see them trading the big guy mid-season (do I hear a Rose and Howard pairing??). Boston is a wild card. Yes there are old and as I mentioned the shortened season will hurt them but I still see them making a run during the playoffs. My heart still freezes when I see Ray Allen shooting a three in the final seconds of a close game. New York? What about them. Probably a four seed this season but as always…defense wins championships. They don’t have the personnel to play D. I see Milwaukee being a lot more competitive. They have a good team but were hit hard with injuries last year. They should sneak into the playoffs this year. Indiana totally overachieved.  I am still not sold on Tyler Hansbrough and Danny Granger’s shooting will help you lose more games than win. Paul George should have a breakout season. I was very impressed on how well his defense is, big body, and can hit an open shot. Don’t see them in the playoffs this time around.

It is hard to predict wins and losses because you never know with injuries but I see the Bulls growing and taking another step forward. My money is Rose will indeed take another step and show everyone why he was last year’s MVP. I have heard he developed a post-up move.  My gut feeling is Butler will be a big asset for the team if given playing time. I really like his size, toughness, and make up. Let’s just hope he is not James Johnson 2.0.  I just love how Rose in a recent interview took the blame for losing to the Heat. I know you hear players say things like that before but you can tell that they don’t mean it. I could tell Rose took it personal and put the work this offseason.  Management has been aggressive and I think they will bring a smart veteran to the team. And honestly, can one really bet against a Tom Thibodeau defense. Year one is typically a learning season with mistakes. The Bulls made it to the Eastern Conference Finals. I for one am expecting big things Year Two. Prediction time: Bulls vs. Heat for the Eastern Conference finals. Bulls win in 5. Bulls vs. Thunder for the Finales. Chicago takes the series in 7 in what will be crowned as one of the best series of all times. See you guys in Grant Park in June!