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Photo from zimbio.com

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. In the midst of a crisis, it can be hard to see the big picture. But that’s when our patience gets tested the most. Bulls fans, remember the 2006 draft blunder? We had the number two pick and took LaMarcus Aldridge only to trade him to Portland for Tyrus Thomas. Yeah, how did that work out… and yes, Brandon Roy was also there for the taking too. And who knows what could have been, if Jay Williams hadn’t crashed his motorcycle and ended his career? But at the end of the day, maybe those mediocre years were a blessing because ultimately, they allowed us to net the number one pick in 2008: Derrick Rose.

1.7% – That was the Bulls’ chance of landing the top overall pick in 2008. Of course we took Rose and that’s where the current story began. To sell a reference from Jeff Joniak, Chicago Bears radio announcer, Derrick Rose “you are ridiculous!”

Guys, I am going to share something very personal that only a few people know…I disliked Rose when he was in his senior year at Simeon. You see, I am a huge University of Illinois basketball fan. During this time, the team was still an elite program in college. A few seasons had passed since their incredible run to the NCAA championship game and the team was in the hunt for talent. Highly recruited Eric Gordon had verbally committed to Illinois (before Indiana swept him away – punks!). And Illinois was also pressing hard to get Derrick. Imagine that back court! But Rose had no interest and later committed to Memphis.

Some would argue the MVP award should go to the best player in the league. As much as Rose has grown, I would probably categorize him as one of the definite top 5 players in the league today. LeBron James and Kevin Durant, in my opinion, would fight for the honor of best player in the NBA. But, I must remind you that in 15 years, Michael Jordan only won 5 league MVP’s and he was the best player in the world! Rose, without a doubt, carries this team to their wins. No other player in the league this season has more of a burden on his shoulder than Derrick. This week, Juwan Howard (Chicago native) and Chris Bosh have said Derrick should win the award… over LeBron because of the reasons I just mentioned. Takes James away from the Heat and they are still a dangerous team with Wade and Bosh. Now, remove Rose from the Bulls and I will cry. The team would be lucky to be at .500 and fighting for the 8th seed in the playoffs; compared to being in the position to snag the top seed. Let’s not forget that Carlos Boozer and Joakim Noah have missed significant playing time this season.  And yet, with Derrick Rose leading this Bulls team, they carry a 39-17 record (tied for 5th best record in the league). That to me oozes MVP talk for Derrick.

Another thing I want to point out is the amount of attention on Derrick every game. I have noticed teams are trapping Rose heavily throughout the game yet he still is able to drive past them. For the Heat, there are gaps where you pick your poison and focus on one player, usually Wade or James. Not so in Chicago; every play, every minute on defense, there are 5 players, 10 eyes focused on where Derrick Rose is at. But Rose is still able to score, still able to break down defenses. Only the true great ones do this on a nightly base. The numbers speak out clearly for themselves. Rose is the only player in the league to be in the top ten in scoring and assists (25 points 8.2 assist a game). To put it out there, Derrick is the offense. It is because of him that Kyle is able to get great looks at the basket; he’s why Deng is open at the elbow, and why Boozer is as effective as he is every night. Rose takes the pressure off of the team. Doesn’t it seem like when the Bulls are in dire need of a basket it’s always Rose to the rescue? Derrick may not be as vocal as other players but his play on the court leaves a statement: “Give me your best shot, because I am going to do whatever it takes to win!”

Have you heard that the Heisman trophy winner in college football not only goes to the best player but also to the person who has high character and integrity? Because he took money in college this is probably the reason why Reggie Bush was stripped of his award. But this gave me an idea. Why doesn’t the NBA consider character when voting for league MVP? If that’s the case, the NBA should start gift wrapping the award for Derrick. It has been a long time since I’ve seen a player in any league with as much talent as Rose, but he’s also so humble and down to earth. The best part of him is that he is one of us. Born and raised here in Chicago. Damn we hit the jackpot! I read a fantastic piece from Rick Reilly called “An American beauty Rose.” In the article, after a Bull’s win at the United Center a few teenage kids stayed late and were hanging out in the parking lot. A white SUV pulls up next to them – it was D-Rose! He rolled down the window and personally thanked the kids for coming to the game and also for wearing his jersey. As you might imagine, the kids were blown away but one was able to muster a question to Derrick: “What’s it feel like playing in your hometown?”  Rose pauses and smiles, “Greatest thing ever happened to me,” he says. “This is the greatest city in the world.” Case closed. Derrick Rose, whatever happens in the voting, just know that you are Chicago’s MVP.

Here are just a few of my favorite Rose moments.

  • His rookie season (only his first week in the NBA) against the Phoenix Suns, during a breakaway Derrick dunks on Leandro Babrosa
  • Derrick dropping 36 points, 11 assist in his playoff debut against the Boston Celtics
  • Keeping with Phoenix, in January  2010, his dunk on Goran Dragic
  • The HUGE one handed, alley-oop dunk , this past January against the Pistons
  • Last week, his Jordan-esque performance against the Spurs, scoring a career high 42 points!

Photo from pippenainteasy.com

Next Topic: Why I believe the Cubs have a bright future